1) Please make every attempt to inform the Tournament Director of any mechanical or personal conflicts with your tournament attendance NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Don't wait till the last minute.
2) Prepare your tackle. Always include:
a) Fishing License (CT or NY)
b) Vest
c) Lunch
d) " Fish Ties" or safety pins (you should always carry
e) Rain Gear
f) Sun Glasses (to protect yourself from your partner!)
g) Money
h) A small dose of aspirin and possibly Rolaids by chance
you do feel ill during the day out.
i) Chapstick, sunblock
3) Boater and non-boater should always try to ride together. Ensues that partners both arrive and boater is not left alone if/when breakdown occurs. Otherwise, non-boater could be left stranded.
a)Please don't bring "the kitchen sink" when it comes
to tackle. Try to arrange your tackle as compact as possible and don't
bring rods that you likely will not need.
b)Always plan on contributing a minimum of 50% of boat
fuel, truck fuel, launch fee and tolls (plus calcutta share, if you're
in). Boat ownership is not cheap so please don't leave your boater short.
I suggest NEVER carrying less than $30 on you. I suggest to members to
consider $20 as the average contribution.
Things that you must consider in fees:
** In Hudson River tournaments, some days a boat will burn $30 or so
just in boat fuel for long runs!
** Some lakes have launch fees, others do not.
** Where does boater live?
5) Boaters:
a) Always carry your truck registration, trailer registration,
insurance cards and driver's license.
b) Check your tire, your hitch and lights before leaving
and before making the return trip home.
c) Truck oil and transmission fluid level check.
d) Grease your trailer bearings frequently. I'd suggest
before every trip and possibly before a long return trip.
e) Extra set of car and boat keys in boat.
f) Check your boat lights, livewell aerators, bilges before
leaving for tournament.
g) When you stop to pickup your partner, check your wheel
bearings by touch. Heat buildup might indicate a problem that you don't
want on the highway.
6) Set your watch to a reliable source, such as the Weather Channel.
2) Find tournament committee representative and take care of "all" of
the following "before" launching:
a) Livewell check
b) Get official time from the Tournament Director/Committee
to adjust your watch.
c) Receive your boat number "flag".
d) Receive notification of when tournament ends.
e) Pay calcutta ($10 per boat). Please bring small bills!
3) For your own safety, make sure to inform your partner (or Tournament
Director) of any medical/physical conditions that could affect you during
a tournament. This could range from having a bad back that is affected
by bumpy rides to something like being a diabetic and letting your partner
know what to do if you by chance passed out.
4) Non-Boaters:
a) Don't feel like you have to back in your partner if
you're not comfortable doing so. I'd suggest you try it while prefishing
and not for the 1st time during a tournament. The general rule I would
follow is to never EVER work someone's standard transmission if you are
at all uncomfortable.
b) Know where the boater has located the fire extinguisher.
c) As a good double- check before launch, ask your boater
if he's got the drain plug in the boat.
d) Ask your partner if he wants you to net his fish.
5) Double-check that you both have life vests, lunch cigarettes or whatever else you might forget in the truck.
2) Some anglers like to talk quite a bit while fishing and others don't. Try not to break your partner's concentration if you sense he's not up for too much discussion. By the end of the day you'll have more than enough time to chat! Just use common sense. Some of the biggest yackers at the meeting are the quietest when they start fishing.
3) Boaters:
a) It is your responsibility to know what the speed limit
is on a body of water and keep your speed within.
b) Please be careful and work with your non-boater to
look out for water obstructions when running.
c) Respect all other boats before approaching or leaving
an area.
4) Non- Boaters:
a) Don't leave all your lures dangling before the next
run. Fasten them before blasting off. This will save you tangles and prevent
gel coat scratches on the boat.
b) Take into account how the boater is moving the boat
as to where you decide to make your next cast.
c) Asking the boater to move in to get a hung lure can
ruin a good spot. Be careful of ropes and other obstructions that can make
a bad cast turn into a lost lure.
d) Try not to get fish scents/formulas on the boat carpet
or gelcoat. They are usually oil based and require extra work in trying
to remove after the tournament.
e) During the day , help your boater by watching out for
and preventing the rear of the boat from running into any obstructions.
This is a big help when flipping close to docks, piers, etc.
5) Never carry car keys in hand on the dock. keep them in your pocket!
6) Give yourselves plenty of time to return to the weigh-in.
7) Don't perform unnatural acts on a fish to make it's tail break the 12" line.
8) Be extra careful taking hooks out of a fishes mouth. Getting hooked can be very serious and doctor's are not close by.
9) NEVER EVER leave a tournament early unless you have informed another club member of your departure, "and" are assured that this member will be present at the weigh-in.
2) If requested, please let tournament committee members "cut in line" so that they can get their boats out of the water to help with the weigh-in.
3) Partners square up on money.
4) please weigh your fish in by boat. You must return your boat flag at the weigh-in before your fish will be weighed.
5) Check the following before leaving for home:
a) Oil level, transmission fluid.
b) Tires (check for beads on outside and inside).
c) Hitch and trailer lights.